Website Maintenance Company In Dubai

Why Is Website Maintenance Important For Business?

A website is not just a digital presence; it’s a vital component of any business operation. It attracts customers, generates leads, drives revenue, and contributes to business growth. However, if the website experiences downtime or any other critical problem, sales and marketing operations can halt, directly impacting profitability. A small website bug, if not dealt with on time, can turn into a costly affair. Therefore, maintaining a website is not just important. It’s an urgent activity that should be carried out by professionals only.

Belsons Digital, a trusted name in website maintenance, offers comprehensive services to ensure your website remains up and running. We proactively ensure the website is safe, secure, bug-free, and optimal. Our team of experts conducts various activities during website maintenance, leveraging their ample knowledge and experience in the field.

Ameer Hamza - Web Developer - Belsons Digital

Ameer Hamza

Full Stack Website Developer

What Does It Include?

Some of the activities included in the website maintenance service are listed below:

1. Content Updates

We update the content regularly. This helps website visitors get the latest information about the business and improves SEO rankings. Content may include text, images, video and other related types; however, the client must provide the content. See our content marketing services for more details.

Content updates
Software & plugin update Website Maintenance

2. Software & Plugin Update

One major reason a website slows down or behaves weirdly is the need for frequent updates to website themes, plugins, and other third-party add-ons. We ensure the latest versions are implemented regularly.

3. Security Monitoring

Malware and hack attacks are websites’ most common cyber threats. We use firewalls and website scans to ensure timely detection and rectification of such hazards and take regular backups to ensure the safety of the website files.

Security monitoring

Looking For Website Maintenance Companies In Dubai?

As hiring an in-house resource can be expensive, you can outsource it to us. We will ensure excellent response time, technical support and a smooth customer experience.

Call 04 566 8044 or send an email to and book your website assessment today.

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    Select Service(s)

    performance Optimization - Website Maintenance

    4. Performance Optimisation

    Users tend to bounce from a slow-loading website, which impacts conversion rates and harms the SEO rankings. We assure you that the website is fully optimised to load fast and provides a pleasant user experience.

    5. Bug Fixes

    Functionality issues, error pages, and broken links are the most common examples of bugs. We continuously check them and rectify them immediately.


    6. Mobile Responsiveness

    More than 75% of website visitors use mobile devices. We ensure the website’s mobile view is responsive on all makes, operating systems, and screen sizes for a smooth website experience.

    7. Backup and Disaster Recovery

    A lack of website maintenance can cause the website to slow down or completely break down. Sometimes, website files and databases get corrupted and become impossible to fix. In such a situation, the website backup helps retrieve the website and make it operational again. We ensure continuous backups and restoration if such situations arise.

    Disasters & Recovery


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    Benefits Of Website Maintenance Service

    Cost saving
    Timely identification and rectification of issues prevent major disasters that cost more than regular maintenance. This will save you money on disaster recovery.
    Reduced downtime
    Regular updates and maintenance of the website files and database minimise downtime. We make sure these are kept in check and updated regularly.
    Enhanced security
    Proactive security measures are implemented and monitored to ensure that your website remains safe from internal or external hack attacks and security branches.
    Brand reputation
    A slow or full-of-bugs website can damage the brand's reputation and create a negative perception of the business. We ensure the website remains healthy and uplifts the brand's visibility.
    Better SEO rankings
    Web vitals metrics are important for SEO rankings. Our team of website technicians ensures that web vitals such as (CLS), (FID), (LCP), (INP), and (TTFB) values to meet the search engine requirements.
    Higher conversion rates
    A well-maintained website with improved website design, faster response time will enhance user experience and website performance which significantly increase the conversion rates.
    Client Retention
    Website Developed
    Years of Experience
    Keywords Ranked
    Campaigns Managed
    Client Retention
    Website Developed
    Years of Experience
    Clients Served
    Keywords Ranked
    Campaigns Managed

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    Frequently Asked Question

    What is not included in the scope of work?
    Although the website maintenance scope is broad, it has limitations, such as major website design changes, new functionalities, content creation, graphic designing, SEO services, domain and hosting, and third-party licenses.
    Do you have packages for web maintenance?
    Yes, we offer annual maintenance contracts (AMC), which are competitively priced and cover a wide range of deliverables within its scope.
    How often is the website maintenance carried out?
    It is an ongoing support function that works 24/7. Our team is available during working hours and for emergency requests beyond the designated time.

    Let’s Discuss Your Project

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